A message from our Club President

To our Royals community,
I hope you, your family and friends are safe and well. As 2022 comes to an end, it is good idea to give
you a heads up with what is currently taking place and what will be happening going forward.
The Latest
Preparations for the 2023 season are well underway with new players, new programs, and a 2023
14-game Premier Division competition draw that will see us again playing two games against Penrith
Rugby Club (home and away). While the Premier Division (Firsts, Seconds and Colts) and the Premier
Women’s 15s draw are complete, we are still working on the draws for the Women’s 10s and First
Division (Thirds and Fourths). However, noting the feedback on the good draw alignment this year
across all the grades, every effort is being made to continue that and to see most teams together
regularly at Phillip in 2023. The 2023 season will kick-off the week after Easter (15 April) with the
Grand Finals to be played on 26 August. There will be three byes during the season for the Premier
Division and Premier Women’s 15s teams.
The new development at Philip Enclosed is progressing but has been delayed by six-months.
However, planning development signs detailing the development are now up outside the ground at
Phillip, so things are moving along
One of the final results from the 2022 season was that six Royals players were selected in the
BentSpoke team of the season. The players were: Oli Bee, Liam Bowron, Pedro Rolando, Connal
McInerney, Harry Vella and Dylan Mclachlan. Congratulations and well done to these players
We are still finalising coaching and managerial roles for the lower Grade teams for 2023 and it is not
too late to get involved, if you are interested.
Holiday Break
It has been a long year and while we have returned to some level of normalcy (I am still not sure
about records being sold in shops again) there have been a number of things taking place both
locally and globally that have still made it a stressful year. I hope you, your family and friends all
have a well-deserved holiday break. If you are taking advantage of the break to travel, please do so
safely and take care on the roads.
We look forward to catching up with you all in the new year and for the 2023 Rugby season to come.
To keep up to date with what is happening with the Royals Community; check our social media sites
by clicking on the icons in this mailshot. If you prefer a more old-school approach sign up for the
‘Royals Mail’ (our e-newsletter) or contact us at info@royalsrugby.com.au.

Yours in Rugby
Jim Taylor


A focus on our Dyls from Calleo


Joe Winfield, Joey Henry, Men's 1st Grade, Oscar Waite, Andy Muirhead, Pedro Rolando, Rory Scott, Sefo Kaufai, Zac Ross, angus staniforth, Dan Nelson, Jarrah McLeod
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