Match stats

VS: Queanbeyan Whites
Score: 31 - 28 Win
Tries: #2 Liam Bowron #7 Thomas Fraser #12 Jarrah McLeod #2 Liam Bowron
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Match stats

VS: Queanbeyan Whites
Score: 31 - 28 Win
Tries: #2 Liam Bowron #7 Thomas Fraser #12 Jarrah McLeod #2 Liam Bowron

Match Report | Round 8

v2 1

A welcome return back to Phillip for this rounds match up against Queanbeyan. And a home crowd made a world of difference. End result in our clash with the Whites tells the tale of a tough encounter through which both teams sought ascendancy, as Royals took a narrow victory 31-28. But the reality is Royals failed to respond to the direction being provided by the match officials. We didn’t adjust to consistent advice and gave Queanbeyan an advantage that kept them in this match into the dying stages. If not for this single aspect, our match report would be a glowing account of efficient phase play and ability to break the line and provide support leading to points. By and large we were dominant in most elements of this game. Brendan Le Galludec continued his strong form and was well supported by all three loose forwards, Darcy Fogarty who is looking more and more comfortable in the 6 jersey, Oscar Waite who punched holes in the Queanbeyan line seemingly at will, and Thomas Fraser who crossed the line for a try for the second time in two weeks. Special mention to Sam Heffernan who took to the field in response to a yellow card and managed to lift the 7-man scrum to win a tight head. Pedro was near perfect from the kicking tee and Jarrah McLeod and Lincoln Smith terrorised the opposition every time they ran the ball. But our standout this week was Liam Bowron, solid at set piece and scoring two tries to bookend the game. A welcome week off for the long weekend, before we take on Uni Norths on 15 June. Hope to see you there.

Match Report


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