On an emotional day at Phillip Enclosed Oval Royals took on Wests Lions. Prior to the first grade kick off Royals President Dr. Jim Taylor presented Royals First Nations and community and funding partners Calleo Indigenous with their indigenous art jersey. Accepting the Jersey (Signed by all of Royal’s First Nations players) was Major General Michael Smith (AO) Rtrd. Head of Calleo Indigenous community funding.
The welcome to country address was delivered passionately by Ngunnawal Elder Auntie Violet Sheridan who was presented with a beautiful bouquet and Royals scarf by Royals First Nations player and captain Niki Patterson.
Royals have coincided the release of their First Nations Action Plan consultation with their First Nations Round and are commited to driving forwards with implementation – post consultation.
For more info on both Roya’s action plan and Inclusion statement please go to: https://royalsrugby.com.au/club-policies/