Happy New Year from Royals

New Year’s Resolutions 2023 New Year is a funny time of reflection where we look on the year that has passed and start making plans or setting goals for the year ahead. It is also a time that as a Royals Board and Senior Leadership Committee we redraft policies, plans and set the Calendar for the year ahead. I know this year is going to be a great year for our club both on and off the field. Strong and cohesive planning is in place for training and games and you should expect club social activities to grow, including the return of the mid year blue and white ball. This is definitely the year of the crown. We know that being part of this great rugby club means more to us all than just the 80mins on the field on a Saturday afternoon. I am regularly reminded we are a true family and family club here at Royals. We want and need people to shake off the COVID years and come join us for an amazing 2023. Whether you are a current player, volunteer, old boy/girl, coach, sponsor or spectator… please sign up for the season in what ever capacity you have and I look forward to seeing you this year. If you want to reach out to talk more about how you can be involved email me at president@royalsrugby.com.au.


Your 2023 Royals Resolution
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